Support RJ's Journey
$1,289 raised so far
128% raised of $1,000 goal
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- Verified support page for RJ Morelock
- Submitted by Donna Thomas
- Created on March 01, 2015
Cause Story
RJ was born on 6/7/13 and was diagnosed with SMA(Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Type 1) at birth. He may be tiny (19 lbs) but he is a force to be reckoned with. A fighter and a tough little boy, RJ is a sweet little boy always wanting to make you smile. SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Type 1) can be devastating , RJ is mostly voiceless since being trached at 2 months old.. This family was blindsided by a disease with no known cure. Nothing about any day is easy, there are many expenses which insurance does not cover, this is a family TRULEY IN NEED !
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